Shareware Registration
Framsticks program is Shareware. That means that if you like this program and
you use it, you should buy it.
The standard price is U.S. $15.
You will get a personal registration code and your name will appear in 'about'/'register' window.
You will also be able to hear sounds of the artificial world.
If you are the Framsticks fan, or you simply want the best your computer
can give you, register advanced version for $25! This will enable
some additional features: POV-Ray export and
OpenGL display. See your creatures using
state-of-the-art technology: movies & photos from virtual world and
the real-time 3D display!
- Registration is valid for all 1.xx releases
- The program is and will be developed for a long time, so you can
expect many surprises and enhancements in future versions.
- Registration code is valid for all current and future platforms supported
by Framsticks (now you can use the same code on PC and Amiga)
- Future versions may have even more extras for registered users!
Read Framsticks license agreement. By registering Framsticks you agree with the terms of this agreement.
To order Framsticks online, go to
Special offer for Polish users!
Specjalna oferta dla polskich uzytkownikow!
Mozesz zarejestrowac Framstiki za ulamek oryginalnej ceny: placisz jak przy
kursie 1:1.
- Wersja standardowa: 15 PLN
- Wersja zaawansowana: 25 PLN
Jezeli jestes zainteresowany, skontaktuj sie z nami:
Polskie strony poswiecone Framstikom: